Hello World,
The website for ALUV is now live! This doesn’t mean that we are done, no way Jose!
We will add more functions, a Blog page will follow very soon, we plan for some pristine merchandise and other features that will allow you to support our operations and show that you stand with ALUV, that you ADD SKILL, that you ADD VENTURE!
ALUV will need some help to get off the ground but thanks to you all being awesome that won’t be a problem that can’t be handled. Our plan is to tap from country to country and connect as many small/micro businesses and students as possible so we can help them fulfill their dreams and to live up to their full potential.
This journey will be very interesting for us and we can’t wait to keep you, our future ALUV Venturers, on track with everything that will happen throughout this voyage.
Subscribe to our social media channels for even more information and don’t forget to join our newsletter or if you want to have a longer chat with us, hop on board and write us an E-Mail. No matter where we are there!